Month: September 2009

Spirit-led Leadership (lessons from David)

In his stirring book, David: Man of Prayer, Man of War, Walter Chantry contrasts the life and leadership of David with the life and leadership of King Saul. Consider the contrast between the two men:

Unimpressive stature Impressive stature
Inexperienced Experienced
Heart after God Hardened Heart
Repentant Resistant
God-reliant Self-reliant
Spirit-filled Spirit-possessed

God uses the unexpected, unimpressive, and inexperienced to accomplish remarkable things. Saul was a head above most men. David was ruddy and small in stature. Saul was driven by an evil spirit and died a crazed, God-forsaken man.David drove an evil spirit from Saul with the sound of his lyre. Saul hid out in his tent when Goliath taunted the Israelites. David stood up for his people and his God and defeated Goliath. We could go on. What made the difference between these two men?

Their Difference is the Spirit

What made David such a remarkable leader? The Holy Spirit. The chronicler of Israel’s history reveals the primary difference between these two kings: “And the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon David from that day forward. And Samuel rose up and went to Ramah. Now the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul…” (1 Sam 16:13-14). The ultimate contrast between these men was not their appearance or experience; it was their spirit. We’re told that the Spirit rushed upon David, while the Spirit departed from Saul. One man was Spirit-filled and led. The other was Spirit-devoid and distrusting. Chantry comments on their difference: “God is showing us a man filled with the Spirit in bold relief against a man without the Spirit.”

Implications of Spirit-led leadership

Consider three differences in leadership between David and Saul:

  1. God’s Spirit Incites Zeal – In the face of Philistine blasphemies, David was incited with zeal for the Lord: “He was stirred to the depths with concern for the glory of God.”

What is stirring you? Are you stirred to depths…for the glory of God? Do hide out in your tent, your library, your office, or are you incited with zeal for the Lord to pursue his glory in pastoring, in mission? Are you passionately pursuing God’s glory or your own?

  1. God’s Spirit Incites Faith – Saul relies on bribes to get others to fight Goliath. Saul discourages young leaders like David (to not fight Goliath) because he is motivated by fear not faith.

Are you leading your church, your leaders, based on fear or faith. Do you insist on control or relinquish control to let others press ahead in faith? Are you dreaming beyond your own abilities or restricted by what you can see?

  1. God’s Spirit Incites Wisdom – David’s zealous faith was marked by self-control. When mocked by his brothers, he did not pick a fight, defend his abilities, but channeled indignation towards his enemies.

Instead of getting side tracked by petty issues, comments, and complaints, Spirit-led leaders learn to lead with “one blind eye and one deaf ear.” We detect distractions from God’s calling with wisdom and prudence. We don’t do everything. We are compelled by Spirit-led discernment, not human-led drive and ambition.

New Books I'm Reading

n + 1: recession – always entertaining and insightful look into current cultural trends.

When Church Was a Family – one of the best books I have read on the nature of the church. Well-written, academic but with very practical application.

Transforming Worldviews (Hiebert) – can’ read enough of this outstanding missiologist! Insightful, robust, gospel and culture savvy.

A Faith Worth Sharing (Miller) – collected reflections on Jack Miller’s experience of sharing the gospel. Personal, warm, and in no way intimidating.

Anathem (Stephenson) – a fiction author I’ve been wanting to read for some time. Two friends, Jason Ford and AJ Hamilton have highly recommended Stephenson, also the author of the breakthru novel Snow Crash.

The Holy Spirit (Owen) – often known for his work on limited atonement and mortification of sin, Owen is more widely known as the theologian of the Spirit. This comes out in his other works, and he has two main volumes on the Spirit in his collected Works.

Stetzer, Patrick, Timmis, Chandler & more

Check out the line up, break-outs, and schedule HERE. There are some great “sleeper” speakers at this conference too, like Daniel Montgomery, Bob Thune, and Dave Harvey.

This is a great bootcamp to end the year of Acts 29 church planting training.