Moving to Austin

Yes, we are moving to Austinon Sunday. After taking a step of faith, logistics have fallen into place like dominos. For a while, I was waiting for “everything” to fall into place before moving by faith. Is this where God is leading? If so, salaries and people need to fall into place before I move my family. This is, of course, not how the heroes of the faith followed God. Abraham did not calculate God’s providence and leading based on how he would get to the promised land and who would join him there.

I confess, I haven’t walked in the footsteps of Abraham very well lately. When reading Ps 139 a few days ago, I repented of unbelief in God’s promise of omnipresence. Wherever we go, he will lead us: “Where can I go from your Spirit? … If I go to the edge of the sea or take the wings of the dawn, there you will lead me, your right hand will be upon me.”

To be sure, many uncertainties remain. What two men will join me as the pastoral planting team? Where will the funds come from for start up costs and salaries? Who will join our launch team? What is the precise timing of launch? Yet, in the midst of this I know God’s call. It is strong and sweet. And I am banking on his promise to lead me and a wife of great faith to follow me.