Philip Jenkins Strikes Again: The Faces of Christianity in the Global South

newfacesofxtyIf you never read Jenkin’s first book, The Next Christendom, you missed a good presentation of the state of World Christianity (see my critique here). In case you have had your head in the sand, the West (including America!) is no longer the locus of world Christianity. Using both historical and statistical analysis, Jenkins establishes a case for the global character of past, present, and future Christianity. Although he does not offer new observations (missiologists have been saying these things for some time), he does offer them to a new audience.

In reflection upon the vast influence of Christianity, Jenkins explores possible reasons for its longevity and global presence. He presents compelling statistics, theological and cultural reflection indicating that the shift of global Christianity has been to the 2/3rds Southeastern world. The continents of Asia and Africa contain not only the greatest amount of Christians, but the fastest growing movements of Christianity.

The global character of Christianity is not just “out there,” but is increasingly present in the growing numbers of immigrant churches in the U.S. However, neither the local nor global statistics of Christianity should compell you to read and reflect on non-Western christian faith. What should compell you is the understanding that the beauty of Christ, the expression of the renewal and redemption of all peoples and cultures, and the glory of God is manifested uniquely by the Spirit throughout the world. We can understand, enjoy and serve our God better, if we understand how others know, enjoy and serve him. Jenkins new book, The New Faces of Christianity gives us just that opportunity.