Month: April 2007

Money-Back Tithing and Online Confession

CT recently posted an article on LifeChurch’s practice of Money-Back Guarantee tithing and Online confession. Is this savvy cultural engagement or consumeristic indulgence? Anonymous online confession?

The Edmond, Oklahoma-based congregation instituted the Three-Month Tithing Challenge. Recognizing that the prospect of giving away ten percent of one’s income can be frightening for first-timers, LifeChurch encourages members to tithe for three months, and look for signs of God’s faithfulness. If members believe God hasn’t proven himself faithful, 100 percent of the tithe will be returned, no questions asked.

In order to prevent abuse, LifeChurch has set up a number of rules. In order to qualify for the challenge, participants must not have tithed in the past six months. Before beginning to tithe, they must fill out a registration form, and at the end of the challenge, any request for a refund must come within 30 days.

The inspiration for the money-back guarantee comes from Malachi 3:10-11, which commands a tithe and promises blessing to those who give faithfully. See the rest of the article here.

Online confession seems to run against the spirit of James 5.16. See my thoughts on confession and accountability here.

Unshackled MP3s at iTunes

Anyone that has ever tried to cross an iTune file over into a non-Apple MP3 Player will appreciate this news.  EMI and iTunes will release “upgraded” versions of their MP3s that are lock-free, beginning in May for $1.29. Locked versions will still be .99 cents. See the article here.

Ukranian Drag Queen

Ukranian drag queen, Verka Serdyuchka, is loved and hated in her country. Known for poking fun at middle-aged women and her dramatic style, Verka was selected by public vote to represent the Ukraine at the Eurovision song contest. Many are concerned about how her image will affect the country’s international reputation.

What are your concerns? Where should the line between entertainment and national reputation be drawn? How far away is the U.S. from something like this?