The Gospel Coalition Launches in May

In an effort to more clearly set forth an evangelical statement on the Gospel and Culture, a historic conference to launch the Gospel Coalition will be held at Trinity Divinity school on May 23-24.

According to Mark Driscol, the Gospel Coalition is “centered on a new evangelical reformed confession of faith drafted up by Dr. Carson with a preamble composed by Dr. Keller regarding the role of the gospel and church in culture. The hope is to redefine a clear center for evangelicalism more akin to that previously articulated by men such as Francis Schaeffer, John Stott, and Billy Graham. See conference details…

Wednesday (May 23)

1:00 – 2:45 Open Corporate Worship
“What is the Gospel?” Primarily an exposition of the first part of 1 Corinthians 15
(Don Carson)
Panel Discussion
2:45 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 5:00 Gospel-Centered Ministry
(Tim Keller)
Panel Discussion
7:00 – 9:00 Corporate Worship and Exposition: “Passing on the Torch”
(Crawford Loritts)

Thursday (May 24)

8:30 – 9:00 Devotions and Corporate Prayer
9:15 – 10:30 Workshops

  1. The Doctrine of God Today
    (Graham Cole)
  2. Defining Evangelicalism
    (Ray Ortlund, Reddit Andrews)
  3. Union with Christ and Justification
    (Phil Ryken)
  4. The Use of the Bible in Pastoral Counseling
    (Mike Bullmore)
  5. Mentoring Younger Pastors
    (Mark Driscoll, Michael Lawrence)
  6. Mentoring Younger Lay Leaders
    (Harry Reeder, John Yates)
  7. The Church of the Living God: Crucial Issues in Gospel and Community
    (Jeff Louie)
  8. The Church of the Living God: Practical Challenges in Mobile Society
    (Stephen Um)
  9. Christ and Culture Revisited
    (Sandy Willson)
  10. Q & A on Preaching
    (Crawford Loritts, Ligon Duncan)
  11. Cultivating Biblical Meditation and Prayer
    (Andy Davis)
  12. Evangelizing People in a Post-Christian Society
    (David Bisgrove)
10:45 – 12:00 Closing Exposition: “The Triumph of the Gospel in the New Heavens and the
New Earth”
(John Piper)