Total Church: Social Action as End or Means?

This is an important question. Is social action, for Christians, an end in itself or a means to conversion? Can we give a “cup of cold water” with out giving it “in Jesus’ name” and the action still be eternally signficant? Or when we give cold water without the warm gospel, do we just fit people for hell?

This is a very important question, which affects our view of the city and the gospel. As a churchplanter among the highly talented and often wealthy Creative Class, Chester and Timmis’ words are a great reminder of the biblical focus on the poor:

We are not to prioritize our rich neighbors. Our focus is to be on the poor and needy. Indeed part of our evangelism to the rich is evangelism to the needy. We subvert their preoccupation with power and success as they see us loving the unlovely. We expose their selfishness and self-righteousness when they see us eating with outcasts. They begin to see Jesus living through us.