In the past decade, Ron Sider has contributed two solid books that should jar every evangelical: Just Generosity and The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience. If Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience took a chunk out of the corrupt evangelical pietistic soul, Just Generosity restores it with a holistic vision of the gospel of Jesus. Sider’s newest book, Scandal of Evangelical Politics, indicts the political extremes and calls for a biblically rooted, practically oriented, non-partisan approach to Christian political responsibility. Though I have my reservations about putting too much hope into political action, this book will no doubt prove useful in curbing unhealthy activism and promoting balanced political engagement. Taken together, these three books not only break the scandal of evangelical immorality, injustice and politicking, but chart a redemptive way forward in order to make the world a better place.
Read the first chapter here.
Read my sermon: Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience