Should Art be Evangelism?

Artist Makoto Fujimura answers the following question in a great interview at The High Calling.

How then do you see art as evangelism?

There are many attempts to use the arts as a tool for evangelism. I understand the need to do that; but, again, it’s going back to commoditizing things. When we are so consumer-driven, we want to put price tags on everything; and we want to add value to art, as if that was necessary.  We say if it’s useful for evangelism, then it has value.

And, there are two problems with that. One, it makes art so much less than what it can be potentially.  But also, you’re communicating to the world that the gospel is not art. The gospel is this information that needs to be used by something to carry it.  Only, that’s not the gospel at all. The gospel is life.

The gospel is about the Creator God, who is an artist, who is trying to communicate. And his art is the church. We are the artwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works. If we don’t realize that fully, then the gospel itself is truncated; and art itself suffers.

Read the rest here.