Ralph Winter Dies

On Wednesday, May 20, 2009, Ralph D. Winter passed away at age 84 after a long bout with multiple myeloma. Perhaps the foremost missiologist of our time, he was the founder (in 1976) of the U.S. Center for World Mission (part of William Carey International University) in Pasadena, California; the International Society for Frontier Missiology (which also publishes the International Journal of Frontier Missions); and the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, a class (and textbook) that educates the laity about what God is doing in the world today. He had recently just finished editing the fourth edition of this textbook. HT: AY

Ralph Winter was a remarkable man. His ground-breaking missiology pushed the modern missions movement ahead in the areas of unreached people groups, mission structures, and missions strategy. I had the privilege of getting to know him during a visit to Gordon-Conwell, where his daughter and son-n-law live (Todd Johnson) and work at the Center for Global Christianity. I was charged with escorting him around and having some meals with him. It was a great time. We discussed theology, missions, and theological education. He has left quite a legacy of advancing the gospel among the nations. May we follow strong after him in our pursuit of Christ-centered mission. Read some of his great articles here.