Winfield Bevins provides parents with a helpful list of practical ways to pass along the Christian faith to their children. I have made a few edits to his list.
Develop Gospel Family Rhythms
- Develop family rhythms around the Gospel, predictable times of worship, prayer and Bible reading. Consider doing them around meals, a time when the family should be gathering together free from the distractions of media.
- Don’t isolate the gospel to predictable times; integrate prayer, worship, and Bible into every day life. When we isolate we program our children for legalism. Show them the gospel in everyday life.
Bible Practices for Family Rhythms
- Read from a good children’s Bible. Remember to have fun with your children while learning the Bible.
- Avoid being uber serious and unrealistic expectations. Keep the time brief to hold the child’s attention.
- Get some Scripture flash cards to do over a meal. We use cards from DGM, but if you know of cards with better pictures for small children let us know!
- Use the verses in context, applying them to everyday life for instruction.
- Put the verses to music or rhythm. Your child will enjoy singing and clapping their hands.
- Get a Scripture Song cd to play in the car. We use this one.