Three Types of Prayer

We had a great time of teaching on prayer and praying together on Sunday. In the sermon we discussed three types of prayer and mentioned some resources. Note that the three types of prayer are present in the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Here they are:

Prayers of Communion (Matt 6:9-10) – fellowship with the triune God through worship and thanksgiving. Prayers of communion are lingering over God’s greatness and goodness with gratitude.

  • Praise God for his attributes: immensity, sovereignty, trinity, mercy, kindness, goodness,
  • Thank God for his acts: creation, provision, salvation, protection, suffering, trial
  • Meditate on his promises:

Prayers of Confession (Matt 6:12) – confession of sin, repentance, and hopeful faith in Christ. Being honest with God about who we are (sinners) and who he is (Savior).

  • Confess sinful thoughts, actions, or feelings towards God or others
  • Repent from valuing, cherishing, desiring, trusting in that person or thing or event
  • Receive God’s perfect forgiveness and grace for our God-belittling sin
  • Trust in the truth and grace of the gospel, that Christ is more desirable and trustworthy than these other things, no matter how good they are

Prayers of Petition (Matt 6:11, 13) requests for all kinds of things in Jesus name for Jesus’ fame. Prayers of petition are an opportunity for our desires to be aligned with God’s desires, not our will but his will (Matt 6). All of our requests, in the end, should move us closer to his will.

  • For wisdom
  • For healing
  • For provision
  • For mission

Here are some helpful books I mentioned on prayer,  including one by Tim Chester. The primary book I referred to is A Praying Life, by Paul Miller. Here is a blog post I wrote on Jesus, the Most Dependent Human Being Ever inspired by Miller’s insights.