Here is the outline from my first lecture on Gospel & Culture at the ACE conference.
I. The Eternal Gospel is Socio-cultural
a. The Gospel is creation focused
b. The Gospel is culturally particularized
c. The Gospel is socially renewing
Key Statement: As creation focused, culturally particularized, and socially renewing, the Gospel changes where we live. Although the Gospel does not change, it does change everything.
II. The Eternal Gospel is Historical-Doctrinal
a. The Gospel is History making News
b. The Gospel is Christ-centered
c. The Gospel is Redemptive-Incarnational
Key Statement: As historical, the Gospel changes what we believe. The Gospel changes everything by not changing at all.
III. The Gospel is Personal
a. The Gospel is incredibly humbling
b. The Gospel is wonderfully transforming
Key Statement: As personal the Gospel, changes who we are. The Gospel changes everything by changing us.