GCM EveryDay in Austin!

The inaugural GCM EveryDay training is off to a great start with Steve Timmis addressing us on Church in the Margins.

Church on the Margins

He’s delivering a sobering message about the decline of the church in America. We are moving towards 60% unchurched. Christianity is increasingly marginalized culturally, politically, spiritually.

This is a prophetic wake-up call to the American Church, a prescient message from the post-Christian UK to the US.

Steve Timmis Quotes

  • I don’t like the term postmodernity but prefer hypermodernity. We don’t live in a secular society but in a pluralist society- an increasingly plurality of different beliefs and convictions in America, of people who will not come into our buildings!
  • Don’t mistake religion for biblical faith. We need to show people biblical faith.
  • We can no longer assume people want to find God and will go to a church.
  • The church isn’t incidental to the purposes of God but central to the purposes of God.
  • Jesus did not just die for me; he died for a people.