Books I’m Reading

Here are a few of the books I am currently reading:

Imagine: How Creativity Works – a fascinating study on creativity that blends sociology, neuroscience, and psychology to show how human creativity flourishes in a variety of contexts–the arts, business, urban development, and more. I’ve already used some of these insights to encourage and direct our staff.

The Power of Habit – another interdisciplinary study, but instead of creativity NY Times journalist Chrles Duhigg takes up habits and how we change our lives.

Kingdom Calling – A robust theology and vision of what our vocation can and should be, Kingdom Calling is filled with insight into how “the righteous can make the city rejoice” when they steward their vocational influence for the healing, beauty, strength, and justice of the city. One of the best books I’ve read on the topic of work.

Raising a Modern Day Princess – As a father of two daughters, I want to better understand how to love and disciple my girls into the image of Jesus and the security the Father’s love offers. This book is helpfully written from a women’s perspective, opening up new ways of understanding how my little girls work, and has even proved beneficial in how to love my wife better.

All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes – Ken Myers is the director of Mars Hill Audio and an incisive cultural critic who needs to interview less and write more! I read this book about a decade ago and am rereading the republication (with new introduction). This book provides a biblical theology of culture as well as a paradigm for cultural discernment, primarily from the vantage point of Marshal McLuhan (the medium is the message).

Where Mortals Dwell: A Christian View of Place for Today – Noted scholar Craig Bartholomew has shown that he can write with academic depth and practical orientation. While this work is slanted towards the former (a theology of place), it has profound implications for the latter (the places in which we dwell). Just getting started but anticipating a great read.