Sessions from The Mission of God (Dublin)

This summer I had the privilege of serving pastors in Ireland. The theme of the conference was The Mission of God. Dr. Tim Ward also gave two helpful lectures on preaching and application, with some interesting reflections on generating application that is, and is not, warranted from a text in redemptive-historical preaching. Here is the audio:

Session One – Jonathan Dodson  “Surviving God’s Mission in the City, Genesis 18:22 – 19:38″
Session Two – Jonathan Dodson  “Evangelism in a Secular Culture”
Session Three – Tim Ward  “Effective application (part 1)”
Session Four – Tim Ward “Effective application (part 2)”
Session Seven – Jonathan Dodson  “Gospel community in a secular society, 1 Peter 2:1-11″

T.C. Hammond Theological Lecture with Q&A: “Spiritual Friendship”  (Jonathan Dodson)
