I am actively looking for a new ministry position. I have planted a church, founded several non-profits, served as a Theologian in Residence, an adjunct faculty member, possess two Masters degrees and decades of ministry experience. I am a proven writer and leader with a deep desire to see both pastors and churches flourish in a deep understanding of God’s word, grace, and mission.
I’m particularly keen on:
- A staff role in an organization where I can provide theological depth, pastoral care, and practical training for ministry leaders.
- A lead pastor role in a mid-sized. multi-staff church in a city where I can use my teaching, preaching, leading, encouraging, pastoring gifts to strengthen its people and mission.
- An author/theologian in residence role where I can invest in a church/seminary for theological depth, spiritual formation, and missional intelligence.
Bottomline: I love the gospel, pastors, ministry leaders, and Christ’s Church. If I sound like a good fit for a position you are aware of, please feel free to drop me an email at jd@gcdiscipleship.com. See my resume below.