Author: Jonathan Dodson

I’m Seeking a New Ministry Position

I am actively looking for a new ministry position. I have planted a church, founded several non-profits, served as a Theologian in Residence, an adjunct faculty member, possess two Masters degrees and decades of ministry experience. I am a proven writer and leader with a deep desire to see both pastors and churches flourish in a deep understanding of God’s word, grace, and mission.

I’m particularly keen on:

  • A staff role in an organization where I can provide theological depth, pastoral care, and practical training for ministry leaders.
  • A lead pastor role in a mid-sized. multi-staff church in a city where I can use my teaching, preaching, leading, encouraging, pastoring gifts to strengthen its people and mission.
  • An author/theologian in residence role where I can invest in a church/seminary for theological depth, spiritual formation, and missional intelligence.

Bottomline: I love the gospel, pastors, ministry leaders, and Christ’s Church. If I sound like a good fit for a position you are aware of, please feel free to drop me an email at See my resume below.

Dodson Resume_2025

Interesting Things #1

I’m starting a Saturday morning post with things I have found interesting. Maybe you’ll find them interesting too!

Severance (not the TV series) is an intriguing novel by Ling Ma that follows Candace Chen through various stages of her life: post-apocalyptic survivor, Chinese orphan childhood, and Manhattan office drone. The Shen fever disrupts the world by transforming its carriers into slowly degrading automatons who repeat quotidian tasks like setting the table and sitting down to eat. Candace works in the Bible department of Spectra, a specially book production company, and maintains a photography side hustle on her blog called NY Ghost.

Night Traveler is a fairly new band out of Austin, TX that evokes an 80’s soundscape. Their sophomore album, Hotspot, is a great record for a roadtrip, background tunes while you work, or a good chill. It is reminiscent of The War on Drugs’ Lost in the Dream but has its distinct flavor.

Shawna Gilmore is an artist who ingeniously blends the ordinary with the surreal. Her works are highly imaginative, sometimes playful and other times profound. She has a unique technique where she layers a colorful dimension over an outline or ordinary dimension. I purchased the one below, “George’s Closets Were Full of Space.” A great IG follow.

Update on Writing & Ministry Availability

Here’s an update on writing projects. My schedule has opened up considerably, so I am available for pulpit supply, sabbatical coaching, church trainings, pastoral/planter coaching, and so on. If you’re interested in my help, feel free to reach out via the Speaking page.

I just finished edits on Witness, a short book on evangelism aimed at helping the regular person with the obstacles and opportunities for gospel witness. Witness begins with a reflection on beauty and witness, moves into a broader view of being a faithful presence, and then into questions regarding the plausibility of evangelism in a secular age and biblical wisdom for evangelism.


I am writing two more books in the Foundations series, which is aimed at helping churches of any size launch theological formation for everyone. It’s an ambitious project that has been received with acclaim so far. I have completed: Gospel, Doctrine, Mission, Devotion, & Bible. Just starting Discipleship and Relationships.


Obstacles and Opportunities for Sound Doctrine

In this message, I explore several reasons why people are put off by doctrine. Then, we explore how to do doctrine well: accurately, practically, and devotionally.