Staying Centered on the Gospel

Some good devotional advice from J.D. Greer on Gospel-centered prayers to start the day:

Unmerited Love and Grace

“God, because I am in Christ I know there is nothing I can do today that would make you love me any more, and there is nothing I have done that makes you love me any less.”

Joy In Christ’s Sufficiency

“God, your presence and approval is all I need to have joy today.”

Resting In God’s Goodness

“God, everything the gospel tells me about your intentions for my life is TRUE.”

Read the whole article here.

New Article: Augustine & the Praises of Men

Augustine was an immensely successful teacher and rhetorician, but he felt imprisoned by his awards and recognition. Is it possible that these honors are inherently bad or oppressive? A glowing review, a congratulatory comment, published research, or an endorsed product? It seems right to recognize goodness in some person—a purple heart for a soldier wounded in battle recognizes courage and self-sacrifice, noble qualities indeed. I think of remarks I have received after a sermon, emails regarding articles I have written, comments on a blog post. Have I been ensnared by these honors, awards, and recognitions? What was it about Augustine’s honors that imprisoned him?

Read the rest here.

Augustine and the Praises of Men

High Calling is running a new article by yours truly on the role of praise, reward, and honor. It is a good follow-up to Sunday’s sermon remarks on serving the master of success:

Nothing beats an honest day’s work, so the saying goes. In an age of unethical business schemes and get-rich-quick internet commerce delusions, an honest day’s work is harder to come by. The new saying might go something like: “Nothing beats a quick, lucrative day’s work.”

But there is a vocational reward greater than wealth or honor, a reward grasped centuries ago by St. Augustine. In Confessions, he writes: “I looked with longing at honors, wealth and marriage, and you laughed at me.” Does God laugh at our longing for honor and wealth and relationships?

Read the rest here

Read Good Counsel to Be the Church

Here is an excerpt from my Resurgence Series on Counseling and Mission:

Nothing like regular time with unchurched, newly believing, broken and mature, redeemed sinners–the Church–will alert you to the need for gospel-centered counseling. For years I’ve been reading the materials put out by Christian Counseling Education Foundation (CCEF). I’ll never forget the first time I heard David Powlison speak with such measured wisdom at the Desiring God Conference in 1999. Since then, I have read The Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC), followed Nouthetic literature, and started a certificate program in biblical counseling with CCEF. CCEF offers tremendous insight into human motivation and how the gospel applies to everything from addiction to garden variety idolatry. I highly recommend the Journal, their books, and distance education.

Westminster Bookstore carries all CCEF materials at heavy discounts and highlights Best Sellers of the Month. CCEF offers a host of articles on a whole range of counseling issues for free on their topical resource page. In addition, you can buy a CD ROM of all the JBC articles from 1977-2005. Add to these resources the fine work of Tim Chester, especially You Can Change and The Busy Christian’s Guide to Busyness. Tim and Steve Timmis are currently working on a Gospel-centered Life Series that will be a tremendous help to equipping us to counsel on mission. And very soon, I will be releasing a short book called Fight Club: Gospel-centered Discipleship.

Read good counsel, not only for you but for the church. Ground yourself in the wisdom, truth, and joy of the Lord by soaking up gospel-centered resources. Without counseling one another, the church becomes a hollow social community or disconnected spiritual event. Read good counsel to be the church. Share life and truth. Love one another in the grace of Christ and the power of the Spirit.