Category: Apologetics

4 New Videos on The Unbelievable Gospel

Here’s a string of new videos to go with my book The Unbelievable Gospel, which won “Book of the Year” in the Evangelism/Apologetics category in the Christianity Today awards. Feel free to use them in teaching, posting on your blog, or however they might be helpful.

What is Re-evangelization? from Jonathan Dodson on Vimeo.

Does Anything Need to Change in Personal Evangelism? from Jonathan Dodson on Vimeo.

Why Do People Find the Gospel Unbelievable? from Jonathan Dodson on Vimeo.

What is a Multi-Dimensional Gospel? – Jonathan Dodson from Jonathan Dodson on Vimeo.

40 Seekers Considering the Resurrection!

raised-190x282A local pastor sent me a very encouraging note yesterday. His church has mobilized for mission by inviting 40 non-Christians into a Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection study!

They begin meeting this week to consider the plausibility of the resurrection of Christ. Would you take few seconds to pray for them, that God would give the leaders wisdom and sensitivity, and that the seekers would uncover the beauty and necessity of the risen Christ?

If you’re interested, there’s a great film on Doubt to Faith and extra resources at

Barrs, Schaeffer, Evangelism, & #1 Bestseller $.99!

9781433503184When researching for my book on evangelism, The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing, I dipped into two of Jerram Barrs books. Professor Barrs studied under Francis Schaeffer, and is Professor of of Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture & Resident Scholar of the Francis A. Schaeffer Institute at Covenant Seminary. His writings carry the flavor of Schaeffer, but with his own personal style. His very helpful book Learning Evangelism from Jesus is only 99 cents right now at Amazon. Snap it up!

I contacted Jerram to ask if he would read my book and consider an endorsement. I was thrilled when he wrote this back in in return:

“This is a wonderful book which I will repeatedly return to myself for my own edification and encouragement and will gladly urge others to read.

Indeed, as I was reading Jonathan’s account of the ‘defeaters’ which make evangelism a real challenge for many Christians and which also are a turn-off to many non-Christians, I kept thinking of people to whom I am eager to give this book. Jonathan faces head on the kinds of evangelism which have left a bitter taste in the mouths of Christians who have felt compelled to try them, and which have left a bitter cynicism about Christians and about the gospel in the hearts of non-Christians on whom they have been tried and found wanting.

I loved the many stories he tells as he unfolds a full-orbed biblical approach to sharing the gospel and I also loved his passion to understand unbelievers and their inmost needs and devotions. This is a book for pastors and ministry leaders and also one for all Christians. Jonathan’s book will not make you feel guilty and ashamed that you are not a great evangelist, or that you are an inadequate one or a poor one; but this book will encourage and motivate you to think about evangelism in new and helpful ways.”

I highly recommend his book, and at 99 cents you can’t afford to not pick it up! It is loaded with wisdom that is often lacking in current evangelistic training and practice.


How (Not) to Be Secular [video]

This is a fascinating account of our present secular experience that resonates, clarifies, and inspires.