Category: Gospel and Culture

Stirred by "The Soloist"

Watching The Soloist made me proud to be human, to possess the capacity to create music, to capture stirring stories with words, to experience the brokenness of our own lives and the lives of others with imperfect compassion. The Soloist is a movie based on a true encounter between L.A. Times columnist Steve Lopez and Nathaniel Ayers. Mr. Ayers is a former Julliard student turned homeless at the hands of mental illness. After meeting Mr. Ayers, Lopez befriends him, leading to a journey of personal discovery and change as he learns to see something of the beauty that Ayers sees, when hearing Beethoven.

What Does Music Do to Us?

Music has a way of healing us, of mediating grace to us, of connecting us to the divine. Of course, like any craft or art, music can also do the opposite. It can cajole us, stir up anger and pride. And as Ayers and Lopez show us, anger and pride, healing and grace are all part of the human experience, or at least they can be.

The film hands its viewers an albatross of emotion, slung over the neck, resting heavily upon the chest. It’s density and complexity leave you stirred, compelled. There are so many themes to respond to–injustice, mental illness, personal failure, urban squalor, homelessness, hope, loyalty, faith, grace, and the beauty and force of music. As I watched the closing minutes of the film and observed the mentally ill dancing through their therapy, I couldn’t help but think of Karl Paulnack’s stirring address to the parents investing in the Boston Conservatory.

Paulnack’s basic point is that art is essential to human survival. When words fail, notes will do. In fact, they do more than “do”; they heal the human spirit. French composer Oliver Messiaen wrote his famous Quartet for the End of Time from the confines of a concentration camp. When life become unbearable, “Art is one of the ways in which we say, “I am alive, and my life has meaning.” Art has a way of getting at the internal, invisible world within us and giving expression to what we feel but cannot explain.

Not only am I proud to be human, but I am grateful to be human. I am grateful to the grand Artist who created a world with words, a world that sings back to him: “their voice is gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.” I am grateful that I can feel, that I can sing, that I can experience sorrow and joy, run the spectrum of emotions and know that life is not in vain.

Ayers felt something in the music that Lopez did not. Lopez’s x-wife, Mary, tells him that it is grace. Perhaps the inexplicable weight on your chest as you leave the theatre is grace, recieving something, being something that really did not originate with you, that comes from outside of us and to us, with every breath we take, with every word we type, with every note we sing. Grace, undeserved, freely given, wonderfully divine.

Elizabeth Gilbert on Creativity

This is worth your time, especially if you are a creative. Gilbert, author of Eat, Love, Pray, discusses the need to rework the destinies of creatives of the past 500 years. So many successful artists enter rapid decline after their greatest life work. How can we rework that pattern in ourselves–emotional and mental downwardness after a great achievement. Gilbert suggests that we need something that creates a safe psychological distance between artist and art. She explores the daemons and geniuses of the Greco-Roman age.

What do you think? Do we need a genuius, a muse?


Every once in a while, you meet someone so cool, so noteworthy, you just have to tell others about them. Luke is one of those people. He is a forward thinker, an Oxford Blue (played basketball for them), a gospel-centered missional hipster, an entrepreneur, and an all-round great guy. He started numerous businesses. I’ll highlight a couple:

Tight Boards has been newly redesigned and carries sand, skate, surf, and snow gear. He specializes in Burton Snowboards and sells some of the coolest watches out there, Nixons. Also, check out his which carries almost very imaginable sandal around, at good prices.

Yeah, if you haven’t figured it out by now this is a shameless plug for my brother and his businesses. He’s a great brother, friend, partner in ministry, basketball player, and businessman. Oh, and if you need better search engine placement, SEO is his main gig. Check it all out, better yet buy some stuff and hangout with him!@