Category: Gospel and Culture

Official U2 Album Release, Tracklisting

It is official! No Line on the Horizon will be released on March 2nd in the UK and March 3rd in the US. You can stream the first song, “Get on Your Boots.”   Definitely not love at first hear, but I don’t usually like the first single release on any of their albums, i.e. Discotheque/Pop, Vertigo/HTDAAB. Here is the NLOTH line-up:

1. No Line On The Horizon
2. Magnificent
3. Moment of Surrender
4. Unknown Caller
5. I’ll Go Crazy If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight
6. Get On Your Boots
7. Stand Up Comedy
8. Fez – Being Born
9. White As Snow
10. Breathe
11. Cedars Of Lebanon

No Line On The Horizon will be available in five formats;

– Standard jewel case – with album CD and 24 page booklet

– Digipak format – limited edition with album CD, 32 page colour booklet and fold out poster. Features access to exclusive downloadable Anton Corbijn film.

– Magazine format – limited edition with album CD, with 64 page magazine. Features access to exclusive downloadable Anton Corbijn film.

– Box format – limited edition bespoke box containing digipak format album CD, DVD of Anton Corbijn’s exclusive film, 64 page hardback book, plus a fold out poster.

– LP vinyl – limited edition with 2 black vinyl discs, gatefold sleeve, and a 16 page booklet.

Preorder from Amazon US

How Would You Pray at the Presidential Inauguration?

Dan Phillips has asked some people this question. See here for more details.

Theologian John Frame says he would do it only on the condition that he would be allowed to pray in Jesus’ name, and that he would pray something like the following:

We pray to you our creator, the mighty king of kings and lord of lords, who governs all things that come to pass and rules over all the nations. You raise up rulers and cast them down at your own pleasure, in the pursuit of your just and merciful purposes. We thank you for the freedom we have to worship you, sought by the founders of this nation, freedom you have given to us through the righteous laws of this land. So we call on you to be with us again during this new era. Be with our new president and all the leaders of this country, that they may be willing to hear the wisdom of your word and thus may image your justice, mercy, and integrity in their public life. As the one who remains constant throughout history, and yet who ordains change from each moment to the next, move our leaders to know how to maintain the foundations of our nation, while changing to meet the demands of new situations. Be our rock, when so much is changing in our lives. We pray for those families whose loved ones have died in defense of our country, and we pray for the young men and women who continue to fight our battles, that they may be victorious, and that their efforts may bring about the fruit of peace. We pray for those who have experienced terrible losses through the changes in the economy, and we pray that the leaders of this nation may seek out the wisest ways of responding. Above all, pour out on this nation your Holy Spirit, that there will be revival in our land, that the hearts of many will be moved to seek you, and that they may find that new life you offer us of love, joy, and peace.

This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ,

What will you pray for our president?


A Counter-cultural Word on Financial Crisis

During times of financial crises it is natural to slip into the self-preservation mode. We have a responsibility to provide for ourselves and our families. But what makes Christ-followers different is that our hearts and lives are shaped by the One who renounced self-preservation for the sake of our salvation. He was rich, but became poor so we could be enriched by his sacrificial love. As the people of God, we are called to be a community of radical generosity and hospitality. It is the poor in our city that might suffer most through these days. But, these times will give us amazing opportunities to exercise the radical generosity of the Gospel by giving, not simply out of our surplus, but sacrificially out of our limited resources. We will have amazing opportunities to show the hospitality of God by opening up our homes to those who might lose theirs. God forbid we should think only of ourselves and fail to love our city and those who live in it. But, with the mind of Christ, we will consider others more important than ourselves and look not only to our interest, but to the interest of others (Philippians 2:4).

By friend and colleague, JR Vassar. Read the rest.