Category: Gospel and Culture

Stuff White People Like

I have a friend who likes to send me links from I click and read out of duty. Occasionally, I will laugh. But this morning, after skimming the Full List of Things White People Like, I became curious about Christian Lander’s statistical source. I mean, who’s to say that the majority of white people in America like “assists”? After all, every white kid I knew growing up wanted to dunk! What white kids really like is “dunking”; they settle for passing to get into the NBA!

Among the morass of trivia, I found this piece of wisdom. Especially appropriate given all the bloggers who try to attract big hits by giving stuff away or overstating thier case:

Any advice for people who want to be internet famous?

Don’t try. People can smell desperation, you have to create something that you like and you honestly cannot set out hoping for success – it’s your first step to failure.

So, I overturned a bit of wisdom, which was a good reminder for me. However, no statistical source found, yet Landers claims scientific authority:“This is a scientific approach to highlight and explain stuff white people like.” Perhaps yet another comedic jab at the white hunger for statistics? If not, feel free to fill me in!

Keller: The Prodigal God

I received an advanced copy of The Prodigal God this week, Tim Keller’s third book (Reason for God, Ministries of Mercy). This short book is a narrative introduction to Christianity based on Keller’s reading of Luke 15, focusing especially on the parable of the so-called “Prodigal Son.” His faithful reading of this familiar story brings into focus the self-righteous sin of the elder brother as well as the irreligious sin of the younger brother, charting a gospel middle that points the sinner away from themselves to the abounding grace of the Father.

Chapter after chapter offers redefinition of traditional evangelical readings of topics such as sin, lostness, and heaven. Keller’s insightful re-readings and redefinitions are valuable for new Christian and old, and especially for those who have a problem with Christians and the Church. If you’ve heard Keller preach on this passage before, there’s a lot of overlap; however, there are some fresh gems embedded in the text. Here are a few:

“The world is not simply a theatre for conversion narratives, to be discarded at the end when we all go to heaven.”

“Most of us are either too eager or not eager enough for what Jesus offers.”

Death in the Family

For readers that are friends, we just found out that Robie’s aunt suddenly died early this a.m. Robie was incredibly close to Ileeta. The family was tight, Ileeta had recently gone through a divorce and leaves behind two daughters. Fortunately, Ileeta is with Jesus, in fulness of joy. Pray that we would mourn, comfort and rejoice in the strength that God provides. We leave for Dallas today.