Category: Gospel and Culture

The Fallout of Subjective Truth

if Truth is objective, if we live in a world we did not create and cannot change merely by thinking, if the world is not really a dream of our own, then the most destructive belief we could possibly bleieve would be the denial of this primary fact. It would be like closing your eyes while driving, or blissfully ignoring the doctor’s warnings.

– C.S. Lewis, “The Poison of Subjectivsim” in Christian Reflections

Thad Cockrell

Check out the music of Thad Cockrell. He’s got a great, chill sound that probes spiritual themes in an unpretentious way. He has been featured on NPR and has a number of CDs. Check out these songs on his MySpace: Pride, Great Rejoicing.

Worship by Faith

We worship by faith. Worship is no more started up because we have pushed the faith button than our faith is started because we have pushed the worship button. Saving faith is not a different kind of faith than continuing faith. We do not step into or out of faith, nor do we step into or out of worship.

~ harold best, unceasing worship, 28