Category: Gospel and Culture

Partying with Art

The Blanton Museum is running an exhibit called The Virgin Saints and Angels. Located on the University of Texas campus in Austin, the Blanton is the 4th largest museum in Texas.

In addition to its holdings and special exhibits, the Blanton is creatively pushing Art into the social scene. The B scene is the Blanton’s monthly party that combines live music, h’orderves, art, drinks, and socializing. Dress to impress.

Does this integration of partying and art viewing diminish the value of art? Is it appropriate to allow the art to recede into the background, functioning as merely wallpaper for a good party? Or is this a clever way to boost interest in art, to cultivate art appreciation? Is pARTying the new art appreciation?

Piper: Should Arminians Be Allowed to Teach?

The ancient Arminian/Calvinist hornet’s nest has been stirred. In his Resurgence address, Piper commented:

Here’s my rule of thumb: the more responsible a person is to shape the thoughts of others about God, the less Arminianism should be tolerated. Therefore church members should not be excommunicated for this view but elders and pastors and seminary and college teachers should be expected to hold the more fully biblical view of grace.

Piper clarifies in a follow up blog post:

What is not precise here is the implication of the word “should.” “The less Arminianism should be tolerated.” By way of clarification, I would say: In an Arminian institution, Arminians should be allowed to teach. But in institutions that regard Arminianism as defective view of God’s grace, they should not be allowed to teach. Or, more broadly, in an institution that thinks the truth is better served by having advocates of Arminianism and Calvinism, both should be allowed to teach.

Read the rest.

Osteen: Become A Better You?!?

Maybe you are preparing to fail, preparing to barely get by or to lose your health. Start preparing for good things; prepare for success, prepare for abundance. Prepare for victory. Prepare for a long life. Prepare for good health. Get your faith going in the right direction. Start making plans to live a blessed, prosperous, healthy, joy-filled, abundant, long life. If you do this, God will do more than you can even ask or think. He will pour out his blessings and favor and you will become a much better you! – Joel Osteen, Become A Better You, 339