Category: Gospel and Culture

Heath Ledger is Dead

It appears that the Dark Knight was darker than anyone could have imagined for Heath Ledger. Ledger was found dead in his Manhattan apartment today, surrounded by sleeping pills. At age 28, with a promising career, his death is especially tragic. What was going on in this young man’s soul?

Here is the story from the Times. Pray for the family. Pray for the silent hurting in Hollywood.

Don't People Read Anymore?

“It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, the fact is that people don’t read anymore,” he said. “Forty percent of the people in the U.S. read one book or less last year. The whole conception is flawed at the top because people don’t read anymore.” — Steve Jobs of Apple

HT: Literary Kicks

What Determines your Vote?

According to research done by Barna group, Evangelical voting concerns are quite different than the rest of the American population. In fact, the numbers are disconcerting…

Evangelicals’ top concern – by a wide margin – was abortion (94%). This was followed by the personal debt of Americans (81%), the content of television and movies (79%), homosexual activists (75%), and gay and lesbian lifestyles (75%). Evangelicals were more likely than other adults to be concerned about illegal immigration, but they were less worried about HIV/AIDS than virtually any other segment of the population.

Though Abortion is an incredibly important issue, culture of life issues should extend into other areas such as HIV/AIDS, Poverty, and Global Warming. Apparently, these issues aren’t of great concern to most Evangelicals. Evangelicals would do well to follow some non-Christian voter concerns, which included poverty (78%) and HIV/AIDS (76%).