Category: Gospel and Culture
Revolting Against Pop Culture
Social justice is sexy right now, going green is the new black, ‘the documentary’ is now competing with ‘the summer blockbuster’, and Che Guevara’s image (long, a staple in the dorm-rooms of sophomore sociology majors) is now a ‘fave’ among grade-school fashionista’s….
Covenant Relationship in Biblical Theology – Part I
What follows is an imposed set of questions in order to convey some of the key content in Scott Hafemann’s essay/chapter “The Covenant Relationship” in Central Themes in Biblical Theology. All answers are direct quotes.
What is biblical theology? At its most fundamental level, the subject matter of biblical theology is the Bible’s understanding of God’s character and purposes. This ‘theology’ is displayed in the developing relationship between God and his people (Israel and the Church) and, through them, in God’s relationship with the world…history, not the heart, is the locus of divine revelation. Moreover, since biblical history focuses on God’s rescue of humanity from its rebellion against its creator and sustainer, it can be called the ‘history of redemption’ or ‘salvation history’.
What is the “covenant relationship”? It is the dynamic, historical arena within which God reveals himself. As such, it provides the interpretive lens for understanding who God is, who his people are and how they relate to one another.
What is the role of the covenant in the Bible? This does not mean that the ‘covenant relationship’ is the one, central theme of the Bible…More appropriately, the concept of the covenant relationship provides the structure that serves to integrate the interrelated themes developed throughout the history of redemption delineated in the Scriptures.
14 Observations from Acts for Founding a Church Planting Movement
A few observations from the first two chapters of book of the Acts regarding church/church planting:
1) Jesus deliberately launched the Church by avoiding predictive talk about the timing and nature of a political future kingdom (1:6,7,11).
2) The power and presence of the Holy Spirit, not well-honed arguments, was central to the success of the global Church (planting) movement.
3) The first church launch team of 120 people was established upon a foundation of prayerful waiting on God (1:13-15).
4) The first church began in the midst of controversy and desertion. Judas, a key leader left the movement and had to be replaced (1:15-26).
5) The first church proclaimed a whole gospel for the whole world (1:8; 2:5-28; 3:1f).
6) The first church was grounded in whole Bible theology, demonstrating the unity of the Scriptures and their focus on Jesus.
7) The uniqueness and universality of calling on Jesus Christ for salvation (2:21-36).
8) The sovereignty and foreknowledge of God was central to the story of the church (2:22-23).
9) The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus was the central message of the Church.
10) Jesus was proclaimed as a living redeemer and life-giving lord over all things (2).
11) Personal repentance, baptism, faith and forgiveness was the natural result of gospel proclamation.
12) The church cultivated a profound sense of community through teaching, fellowship, shared meals and possessions, and prayer (2:42-47).
13) People were filled with awe and worship before God and his acts.
14) The church became an organic, growing movement (2:47).