Argue a skeptic into a corner, and you will not take his mind captive for Christ, but pray for him, proclaim the gospel to him, live out the gospel of peace, walk righteously by faith until he senses your ultimate allegiance and citizenship are vastly different from his own, and you may discover that the power of truth, the convicting and regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, and the glories of Christ Jesus shatter his reasons and demolish his arguments until you take captive his mind and heart to make them obedient to Christ. ~ A Model of Christian Maturity, D. A. Carson
Category: Gospel and Culture
David Wells Current Book Project
In Mark Dever’s interview with David Wells, author of recent Christ Above All Earthly Pow’rs, Wells reveals his current book project provisionally entitled: The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-lovers, Marketers, and Emergence in a Postmodern World.
Total Church: Church Planting
“To ask how the principles of gospel, mission and community apply to church planting is to ask the wrong question. Mission and community do not apply. Church planting is the outworking of mission and community. It is the point where mission and community intersect. It is by definition a missionary activity, arguably the missionary activity of the core missionary activity. It ensures mission is at the heart of church life. But church planting is by definition a church activity. It defines missional activity as forming and building churches. Church planting puts mission at the hear to of church and church at the heart of mission.”
The new issue of Image is now out. Here are a few items from this issue’s table of contents, along with a blurb about Image.
Image, a literary and arts quarterly, is a unique forum for the best writing and artwork that is informed by—or grapples with—religious faith. We have never been interested in art that merely regurgitates dogma or falls back on easy answers or didacticism. Instead, our focus has been on writing and visual artwork that embody a spiritual struggle, that seek to strike a balance between tradition and a profound openness to the world.
From the table of contents:
• Leslie Leyland Fields on the Opposite of Live
• Jesus Is Real We Deliver: Sam Fentress’s Americaesus Is Real We Deliver: Sam Fentress’s America