Category: Gospel and Culture

Monsters of Rock Streaming Free!

Monsters of Rock album is streaming free here. This the project album by M.Ward, Jim James (My Morning Jacket) who will be at The Parish this year by the way, and others.


DMin in Bible Translation at GCTS

Gordon Conwell is starting a new Doctorate of Ministry degree in Bible Translation. The track is being led by the eminently capable Dr. Roy Ciampa. His knowledge of original languages, grammar, syntax, and translation is remarkable. On top of all that, he’s just a nice guy, nice and demanding!

I had the privilege of learning Greek and Galatians under Ciampa. His dissertation on Galatians is incredibly insightful. Ciampa’s publications include:

He’s also working on the 1 Corinthians Pillar Commentary Series (a great series) right now, and will release an essay on Abraham and Empire for a Festschrift soon.

Read his recent devotional reflection on the concept of translation. An excerpt:

We tend to be such imperfect translations of Christ (or perhaps I should just speak for myself) that it is very easy for other people to get the wrong message, to get the wrong idea about who Christ is and what he is all about. By God’s grace and the power of his Spirit, may the world recognize Christ’s people to be (imperfect but) adequate translations through which they may come to know his truth, love, grace and righteousness, giving praise and recognition not to the translation itself, but to the One who has provided such a translation so that he might be known (cf. Matt 5:16).

ENDURE Bootcamp

Just arrived in Houston for the Acts 29 ENDURE bootcamp. Some great speakers, lots of church planters, and some great plans for the kingdom will be hatched over the next three days. Pray for all of us!

I will be speaking twice on:

  • Enduring Community: The Problem of Community
  • Missional Communities in Cities and Suburbs