Timmy Brister has put together a “Gospel Reader” that lists some helpful gospel-centered resources, along with links.
Category: Gospel and Culture
ACL Twitter
Some of the leadership of Austin City Life is now on Twitter
U2 Conference
Achtung Baby! A conference on all things U2 is being held in Durham, NC on Oct 2-4 to explore the philosophy, theology, art, and history of U2. From the website:
We’re bringing together scholars, teachers, students, journalists, clergy, musicians and intellectually curious U2 fans for a rich program of exploring this truly one-of-a-kind band for a truly one-of-a-kind conference, and we hope you’ll be in the room.
More HERE.
Paste Review of Inglorious Basterds
The film:
To an almost touching degree, Inglourious Basterds recognizes that the vengeance driving so many films—and certainly Tarantino’s own—is a cinematic impulse, a fantasy of light and sound, a bonfire of highly combustible nitrate film stock, cleanly separated from common sense and actual history.
The Director:
He’s enormously talented, almost unceasingly creative, but weirdly divorced from the questions we face daily and the implications of his characters’ codes. In the words of the six-fingered man: He’s got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance, and it’s going to get him into trouble one day.