Category: Missional Church

Tangible Kingdom Primer

As a member of the VERGE social media team, I recently received The Tangible Kingdom Primer, an 8 week study to put incarnational missional community to practice. The Primer seems eminently helpful, and has been used by megachurch Austin Stone, host to VERGE, to promote missional community in their own church.

As Halter & Smay point out, when a church grows, slowly or by leaps and bounds, something is needed to continually reproduce your missional values. Their response was the Primer.

The Primer offers helpful exercises, thought-provoking questions, and insightful comments along the way. Here are a smattering of those:

  • The reason we struggle to live a missional life is that it pulls against every natural fiber, sin, rhythm, habit, muscle, and thought pattern we’re used to. viii
  • Right now, what is hindering you from living a missional life?
  • Imagine what could change if the Good news of Jesus was allowed to shape and inform all the area of our lives.
  • What personal interests and hobbies can you turn into communal ones?

Although the Primer is highly structured, it provides very practical help in cultivating missional communities. On the other hand, I find it difficult to imagine our church working through a 200 page primer (I thought primers were supposed to be short!). In the end, every pastor and leader must find the methods that best suit their people and their context. No doubt the TK Primer will be a good one for many!

PlantR: A City of Church Planting

God has done a lot through PlantR this year! It’s amazing to see the gospel advance through a grassroots network with no staff. Thanks to the PlantR board for donating their time to provide direction for the network, and to the trench-weary church planters who continue to look beyond themselves and their churches to catalyze a Christ-centered, context-sensitive movement.

Austin is gaining a reputation as a church planting city. Other cities are learning from us and starting their own area-based church planting networks…

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Partner/Members Material

Some churches emphasize parntership/membership in the New Year, so I thought I would update on our material for our Partners on Mission class. The material previously listed under Tools for Missional Church is outdated, so I’ve updated that link. All material is under a Creative Commons License, which means use it, adapt it, but give credit. Merry Christmas!

ACL Partners Class Teaching Notes

ACL Partners Booklet