Category: Theology

Obstacles and Opportunities for Sound Doctrine

In this message, I explore several reasons why people are put off by doctrine. Then, we explore how to do doctrine well: accurately, practically, and devotionally.

The Holy Spirit in Discipleship

The Pastors Conference is excellent all the way around. I was refreshed, inspired, and challenged. Kevin DeYoung’s message on Preaching was filled with wisdom for preachers old and new.

I had the opportunity to speak on the Holy Spirit and covered three areas: the Personal Spirit, Powerful Spirit, and Creation-Perfecting Spirit. Most of this content will be available in my forthcoming book, Here in Spirit: Knowing the Spirit who Creates, Sustains, and Transforms Everything.

Sessions from The Mission of God (Dublin)

This summer I had the privilege of serving pastors in Ireland. The theme of the conference was The Mission of God. Dr. Tim Ward also gave two helpful lectures on preaching and application, with some interesting reflections on generating application that is, and is not, warranted from a text in redemptive-historical preaching. Here is the audio:

Session One – Jonathan Dodson  “Surviving God’s Mission in the City, Genesis 18:22 – 19:38″
Session Two – Jonathan Dodson  “Evangelism in a Secular Culture”
Session Three – Tim Ward  “Effective application (part 1)”
Session Four – Tim Ward “Effective application (part 2)”
Session Seven – Jonathan Dodson  “Gospel community in a secular society, 1 Peter 2:1-11″

T.C. Hammond Theological Lecture with Q&A: “Spiritual Friendship”  (Jonathan Dodson)


Action After the Sermon

It’s easy to go to a church gathering. It’s easy to sit and listen to a thirty to forty minute sermon. It’s easy to take communion and receive forgiveness for our sins. What’s hard is valuing all of that, putting it to work to show the real treasure of God’s Word in our lives. We may want to avoid obedience because we think it’s more rewarding, but it never is. Or we may think we’ll be more secure if we don’t take the Word to heart and risk acting. Or we may think we need more insight, but more often than not we need action, to act on the insight that’s been given, to express the obedience of faith, which shows the difference Christ really makes.

David Jackman’s comment is helpful:

Our problem is that we often fail to act as we know we should because we do not believe sufficiently to launch out on the bare word of our promising God. Yet nothing can be more certain or secure. When God applies his word to our lives in regard to something he is calling us to do, we must begin to do it, in the strength that he supplies, as soon as we can. Our temptation is to wait and then ask for further light, without acting on the light he has already given us. But all I need to do for my heart to Harden after.God has spoken in his word, is…nothing! A life that trusts and obey is a life that he can use.

- Joshua: People of Gods’ Purpose, 31