Category: Theology

Why Beliefs Are not Enough

UnknownMuch of our action is not “pushed” by ideas or conclusions; rather, it grows out of our character and is in a sense “pulled” out of us by our attraction to a telos. If we…are going to be “prime citizens” of the kingdom of God who act in the world as agents of renewal and redemptive culture-making, then it is not enough to equip our intellects to merely think rightly about the world. We also need to recruit our imaginations.

– James K. A. Smith, Imagining the Kingdom

Audio “Reliability of the Christian Canon”


The audio from our evening with Dr. Michael Goheen on ‘The Reliability of the Christian Canon” is now available.

Is the Bible reliable? Does its reliability stand or fall upon the decisions of church councils? Does the Bible provide an accurate portrayal of the person of Jesus Christ? What was Jesus’ view of the Scriptures? These are important questions, especially in an educated, forward thinking city like Austin.

Slides from the presentation can be downloaded here: Canon Powerpoint