If you are still into reflecting on the Dark Knight, Don Coleman offers a good critique of my review.
Tag: batman
Corrections and Reflections on The Dark Knight
In his review of the Dark Knight, Marc Savlov of Austin’s Chronicle writes: “There’s something intangible missing from this Dark Knight. For all its thrum and thunder, Nolan’s film feels chilly and ill at ease.” Today I explored that “intangible missing” in a sermon that considered the perception of truth in the Dark Knight. What is missing? Could it be the Truth? Well, not just truth, because there is plenty of factual and moral truths in the film, but perhaps the whole truth? In the Dark Knight we get half the truth, half the gospel. We get a sacrifice but no Savior, a substitute outcast but no Redeemer. You see, we need more than a dark knight to change the city, more than a sympathetic hero, more than a guardian. We need a Redeemer, a hero who not only bears our burden, but who also changes us, who alters our desires. The hero spouse or hero career can not do that. Even Batman cannot change our hearts. But there is a hero who redeems, who takes our depravity to the grave, while also lifting our infinite desires for acceptance, meaning, goodness, and truth into heaven itself, where alone can be met by an infinite God. Some have critiqued my conclusions as “Christian ghetto.” Interacting with my post, one critic writes:
“Anyway, he goes on and it turns into one of those things where we pit some quote-unquote postmodern hero against the quote-unquote true hero and we all end up cheering for Jesus and feeling sorry for the other guy who could only be all he could be. This is that Christian ghetto we whine about..”
But I beg to differ. What would he have us all do? Stand up and cheer for Batman while feeling sorry for Jesus? As much as we can learn from the Batman, and we can learn a lot, in the end Batman only offers us half-truths. I have written about those here. Yet, in the end, Batman purports that deserve “more than the truth,” willing to ground his actions in fiction, in a Harvey Dent who has no dark-side. What if Gotham found out about the cover-up? Wouldn’t that do greater harm than good? We must affirm the virtues and insights of The Dark Knight, but not at the expense of the truth. If we do, we will find ourselves in a secular ghetto, with very little hope.
Check out this review from First Things.
Dark Thoughts from The Dark Knight
My first thoughts walking away from Dark Knight were dark thoughts. This film was, at times, too believable for a comic book hero. Yes, I realize that the Nolan brothers intentionally recast Batman out of the traditional hero role; however, in doing so they changed the comic book appeal, lost the frivolity and unbelievability of fictional heroes who save the day. The Joker was brilliant, disturbing, soul-punching, landing blows awfully close to home, but even closer to hell. Nicholson never came this close to “dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight.” *Note: there are spoilers below.
Probing Dualisms
The film is rife with philosophical dualisms–chance and free will, good and evil, hero and villain, justice and chaos, sacrifice and suffering. And then there’s the maxim of the movie: “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to become a villain.” Unlike many films that flirt with such dualisms, Dark Knight probes into their depths. For instance, Two-Face would rather put his faith in “unbiased chance” than in the wavering free-will of humans, but in so doing, flips a coin with two heads on it. Which is more consistent? Chance or Justice? Two-Face argues for chance: “You thought we could be decent men in an indecent world. But you were wrong; the world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.”
Or consider the social experiment rigged by the Joker. Two ferry boats loaded with explosives and remote detonators left on board. One boat filled with convicts, the other with civilians. Each boat has the detonator to the other boat in their hands, with the promise of safety to the one who pushes the button first. They are given 20 minutes to decide what action to take. The Joker banks on the depravity of humanity to lead to self-destruction, but alas, each boat refuses to detonate. Is humanity essentially good or essentially bad?
More Than the Truth?
Some have questioned why a brilliant writer and director like Christopher Nolan would go from Memento to Batman, but clearly he brought his philosophical depth and knack for the darkside of humanity with him. Personally, I prefer a more tame delivery of such deeply disturbing themes as evil, depravity, injustice, chance, free-will, and so on. Nolan followed up Batman Begins with his post-modern take on the hero. As I have discussed elsewhere, Batman transcends the superhero to become an everyman, conflicted and troubled by the difficulty, pain, and the brokenness of life. Much like us, he is groping for identity while also trying to maintain a groundless morality. The postmodern hero has very little to stand on to support his actions.
In the end, the bat signal is broken signifying the bat’s rejection by Gotham. Why? Because as he states: “Sometimes, truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.” People deserve more than the truth? There’s a quandary for you! In one sense, this is how many of us live. Many of us prefer to build our lives, our significance on things that are not true; we place our faith in the goodness of humanity (when humanity has not been good to us). We insist on believing that being successful and family-oriented will bring us true happiness (while money corrupts and families divorce). We place our faith in a lie, a lie that temporarily rewards our faith, only to crumble seconds later under the weight of truth-sized hope. The truth isn’t good enough because we have grasped at lies.
Less Than a Savior
Though the postmodern Batman depicts our struggle, he offers very little to give us a way out of our predicament. In the end, he tells us that we deserve more than the truth. He absorbs the rejection of Gotham with the strength of sentiment, that Rachel would have married him, if she had lived. However, this is not true. Batman is motivated by hope in a lie. He embodies our need for hope and our proclivity to place it in hopelessness.
The bat becomes scapegoat for Gotham, a “dark” knight, not the one in shining armor. Yet, this act holds out a shadow of truth, the truth of our need for one man to take on our sin, our refusal to stand on the truth and insistence to believe in something “more” than the truth. The need for a savior, not who is postmodern, but who is supra-postmodern, a hero who can identify with the plight of humanity and bear its burden, but also rise above our predicament to speak life into it. There is a hero who does this, by taking depravity to the grave while also lifting our infinite desires for hope, justice, acceptance, and meaning into heaven itself, where they alone can be met by an infinite God. Contrary to the Dark Knight, we need more than what we deserve. We need a faith greater than what we can manufacture, to find a God greater than a man-made philosophical structure. We need a god-man.
From movie gods to imperfect actors, Ledger and Bale were convincing and human, perhaps too convincing given the tragic death and curious London arrest. Is this film Drama, Action, Thriller or Comic book philosophy? One thing is for sure—it is unlike any other Marvel/DC hero film ever made. It has set the bar high, perhaps as high as it can go.
Lauding Ledger in The Dark Knight
Click here for my Review of The Dark Knight.
The Associated Press just released a raving review of Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker in the Batman sequel, The Dark Knight. It’s possible he could receive a post-mortem oscar for best supporting actor. The piece compares Ledger to Nicholson’s Joker:
Nicholson’s Joker was campy and clever. Ledger’s Joker is an all-out terror, definitely funny but
with a lunatic moral mission to drag all of Gotham, the city Batman thanklessly protects, down to his own dim assessment of humanity.
The film looks thrilling and Ledger convincing. The Joker is described as “a depraved creature utterly without conscience whom the late actor played with gleeful anarchy.” With the Dark Knight as a savior and the Joker as sinner, it will be interesting to see how Nolan rolls out Batman’s humanity, a strength of this postmodern hero in the previous Batman film.