Tag: coldplay

Free Live Coldplay Album

In case you didn’t get it today, Coldplay released a free live album called Left Right Left Right Left just so you would laugh at me for typing that title out. The album is good and builds to Viva La Vida, which makes you wish you were there. Enjoy!

Coldplay on 60 Minutes & new song

This 60 minute interview with Chris Martin and Coldplay is endearing, informative and contains part of a new, forthcoming song.[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.782654&w=425&h=350&fv=link%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideo%2Fwatch%2F%3Fid%3D4784037n%26releaseURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Frelease.theplatform.com%2Fcontent.select%3Fpid%3DWCv84JhaAGibKDy_zHNZBwcbR3vUMH0q%26partner%3Dnewsembed%26autoPlayVid%3Dfalse%26prevImg%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fthumbnails.cbsig.net%2FCBS_Production_News%2F980%2F30%2F60_Coldplay_0208_480x360.jpg]

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coldplay's new EP

Coldplay has released a new EP called Prospekt’s March. It features six brand new Coldplay songs, plus two reworked versions of existing ones (the Lovers In Japan Osaka mix and Lost+ ). The EP is available on CD, vinyl and download. At the same time, a two-disc Viva La Vida (Prospekt’s March edition) has been released, featuring the album and the new EP. you can download from Amazon MP3 for $.99 here.