I do a terrible job of updating the blog with the books I am reading. Here are some church planting related books I am currently reading or recently received:
See here for a complete list.
Posted on January 23, 2009
Neil Cole’s newest book Organic Leadership can be purchased before it hits Amazon over at CMA Resources! He
provides a lengthy description of the book and summaries of the sections on his blog. An excerpt:
In Organic Leadership I challenge many ideas about leadership and church life that we all take for granted. Many of them are faulty ideas about church leadership, which we continue to support but which have never really been evaluated in the light of Scripture. Ideas that corrupt our understanding of the kingdom are addressed such as our tendency to view the church as simply a religious institution with a top-down authoritative structure; and some of the temptations that tend to hijack leadership away from healthy fruitfulness and can actually cause leaders to become detrimental to the work of God’s kingdom; as well as some of the ways we try to force people to live up to a religious code of conduct with manipulative tactics.
Posted on January 20, 2009
Resurgence is running the first of a series of articles I am writing on Gospel and Method. Here is an excerpt:
The debate between attractional and organic is largely a debate over method. What method should we use when planting and leading churches? Do methods matter? Does the gospel allow for all kinds of methods, or does it prohibit some? Should we be more concerned with debating the gospel or our methods? This series of posts will try to answer some of these questions. What is the role of method in the gospel?
Read the rest.
Posted on January 16, 2009
The Organic Leadership conference is Feb 19-21. Speakers include Neil Cole, Reggie McNeal, and Dave Gibbons. Cole and McNeal have some exciting new books coming out in early February:
Neil Cole: Organic Leadership : free excerpt
Reggie McNeal: Missional Renaissance
Let us know if you go!