Tag: Urban ministry

How Cities Shape Us

Cities aren’t just socially dense; they are also culturally influential. Joel Kotkin in his almost classic work, The City: A Global History, describes cities as places that are sacred, safe, and busy. They are centers of spirituality (sacred), commerce (busy), and security (safe).

The strength of a city depends on the strength of these three forces—the spiritual, social, and commercial. These three forces also combine to produce culture in a city—a mix of ideas, behaviors, and products. How do these culturally influential cities shape us?

How Can We Work for the City? (new article)

This year, over half of the global population will live and work in cities. That’s a remarkable development considering the fact that humanity began in a garden. In fact, the biblical vision of the future is a massive, resplendent city teeming with life and culture, ensconced in a new creation (Rev. 21-22).

Much of urban life is the product of work. If we are working in cities and moving towards a new city, then we do well to think about how our work relates to the city. In this new article written for the High Calling, I offer some suggestions on how we can work for the city.

Lead for the City

Acts 29 is hosting an urban-focused conference Oct 20-22 on leading for city renewal called Lead for the City. It will feature key speakers and, even better, breakout tracks on Mercy, Arts, and Planting.

  • Brian Chappell
  • Darrin Patrick
  • Eric Mason
  • Matt Carter
  • Daniel Montgomery