Month: May 2008

Why I Don't Like But Need Accountability

That’s when my accountability group stepped in. They held up a mirror for me to see how unlike my self-image I was being. I can easily say this whole experience has been one of the most difficult of my life. The great peacemaker was contributing great distress. The gentle, gracious lover was adding to an atmosphere of non-acceptance.

Read the rest….or my article “Evangelical Confessional Booths & Ascetic Accountability

McGrath's New Natural Theology

Alistar McGrath has just released a new book on Natural Theology called The Open Secret. With a Ph.D in molecular physics and theology, McGrath has the credentials to rework traditional approaches in natural theology. A description from McGrath’s site:

The books attempts to set out an intellectually rigorous vision for a renewed natural theology as a point of convergence bewteen the Christian faith, the arts and literature, and the natural sciences. Natural theology is about seeing nature from a Christian perspective, and hence discerning its truth, beauty and goodness. Further details from here.