Month: November 2008

Lewis on Community

He works on us in all sorts of ways. But above all, he works on us through each other. Men are mirrors, or carriers of Christ to other men. Ususally it is those who know Him that bring Him to others. That is why the church, the whole body of Christians showing Him to one another, is so important. It is so easy to think that the church has a lot of different objects – education, buildings, missions, holding services … the Church exists for no other purpose but to draw men to Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became man for no other purpose. It is even doubtful, you know, whether the whole universe was created for any
other purpose.  – C.S. Lewis

Not sure how this quote came together, Doug? Part of it is from Mere Christianity.

Kanye West the Jordan of Music?

In a recent interview Kanye West claimed what Jordan is to basketball, Kanye is to music. No surprise from the hubris-inflated pop star. Par for the course. But then he went on to make the following claim:

I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice,” he said in an interview on Wednesday.

Kanye West–voice of this generation? What do you think?

Review of Graduation