Author: Jonathan Dodson

Uganda – Poverty in the City

This blog post is by Amy Scott, an ACL mission team member and Austin school teacher.

I am a city girl through and through this is what intially struck me as we were headed back into the capitol city of Kampala. My team was like you are so giddy and I was. Its not just the indoor bathroom and shower that thrilled me but all the sights and sounds of the city.

Kampala is a city of dichotomy. We went to a really nice, almost Americanized coffee shop for lunch where we surrounded by business people and other Westerners in suits.  Then that  evening we were headed into the slums to preach at a church. You go from poverty of spirit to true poverty in a matter of minutes, and the thing is every single person needs the transforming truth of the gospel.

I am continously struck by own desperate need for the truth of the gospel to penetrate my heart and compel me to share that truth with others. Why do I deny people an opportunity to hear of a Jesus who loves and redeems us from the pit?

Uganda – Village Ministry

We just returned from village life in Eastern Uganda, where we focused on training pastors and church planters on The Gospel, Gospel Change, Community Development, and Contextualization. It was an one of the best cultural experiences I have had. Very African, very rural, very exciting. We had discussions about witch doctors, polygamy, famine, drinking—all very real issues for these pastors. The key guy we are working with, Bishop Wako, is a remarkable visionary from a small village in the area. He is seminary trained and loves his people. We were humbled to be teaching these 30 pastors and learned so much from them.

We also ministered to scores of kids. Our team loved them well, showed them Jesus, and taught them Bible stories. Tara shared the gospel at a school with about 300 kids. Justin preached at a church last Sunday, while J.D. and Jonathan preached elsehwere. Mary and Amy have been great with the kids. We are all learning so much. This has great partnership potential with ACL in adopting a pastor and working with orphans, kids, or community development.

We teach again today and tomorrow, but in the city of Kampala. Pray for me. My voice is weak and my throat is rough. Pray for deeper gospel experiences in our team. We are having them and want more. Pray for our ladies as they miniter to children this week at various churches.

Ever Grateful…


Uganda – Street Kids

We went to a street kids home called Save Street today. Moving. Conditions are poor; spirits are rich. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God. Some days they don’t get a meal, but they are happy, learning the gospel, and in school. They did traditional dances for us, we took pictures, played games, I gave a short message. We sang with them and prayed over them. Sweet children without parents. The pioneer of Save Street, Innocent, was a street kid years ago and chooses to still live with them. Such love and commitment to the gospel. Amazing.

On top of all that, they are starting a church on the premises that reaches out to the surrounding community. Remarkable. They need prayer, financial support, and encouragment. Thank God ACL sent us here. THe team is loving Uganda well, and being changed by all of this. Thank you all.

Pray for our pastoral training and evangelistic visits over the next four days in remote villages.

WIth you in the Gospel,
