Check out this great demographic snapshot tool call ZIPskinny.
The New Gay
Is Evangelical is the new gay?
If you haven’t heard of unChristian: what a new generation that thinks about Christianity…and why it matters you’ll want to pick up a copy. This is the kind of book that missional people read. Of course, the best approach to finding out what a “new generation thinks about Christianity” is to ask them yourself. Nothing beats a concerned Christian asking nonChristians what they think about Christianity. In fact, local answers are arguably more important that national answers.
Nevertheless, check out the video, the site and snap up the book. Then, drop by and tell me what you think.
Reflections on Driscoll's Emergent Critique
- As noted in an earlier post, Mark prefaced his comments with pastoral concern and love–a very different Driscoll from years past. This should be applauded.
- Mark clearly set the stage for his critique by identifying the three steams of Missional.
- His critique of the “Revisionists” was informed by primary resource research and not hearsay or out-of-context interpretation.
- His use of classical Systematic theology categories (e.g. use of atonement theories) to critique other theologies was a great reminder that, in a day when biblical theology is in vogue, systematics are still an important discipline for church life.
- Though Driscoll engaged McLaren, Pagitt and Bell in context, he did not do so from a comprehensive understanding of their theologies. Not that he has to cite every work they have written, but understanding the isolated “heresies” within a greater framework would have been really helpful, especially with the Bell critique.
- From my limited exposure to Bell, he relies too heavily upon Rabbinic commentary; however, does this translate to not being Jesus-centered? Thoughts?
- Driscoll critique’s McLaren’s silence on homosexuality issue. “No answer is an answer.” It would have been better to get McLaren’s actual stance on this.