Cheap Charity from the Wealthy

In a edgy NYTimes article, Billionaire William Gross takes his wealthy peers to task in cheap philanthropy. He writes:

“When millions of people are dying of AIDS and malaria in Africa, it is hard to justify the umpteenth society gala held for the benefit of a performing arts center or an art museum,” he wrote in his investment commentary this month. “A $30 million gift to a concert hall is not philanthropy, it is a Napoleonic coronation.”

Read the rest and respond by commenting here. What is your perspective? What about middle class philanthropy?

New Mars Hill: Religion, Arts & Justices

Check out the new podcast from Mars Hill, which explores the relationship between religion and the arts, Philip Reiff’s view of culture, and interviews with legal experts on the tenure of key U.S. justices.


“The essential thing ‘in heaven and in earth’ is,

apparently (to repeat it once more), that there

should be long OBEDIENCE in the same direction;

there thereby results, and has always resulted

in the long run, something which has made

life worth living; for instance, virtue, art,

music, dancing, reason, spirituality–anything

whatever that is transfiguring, refined,

foolish, or divine.”


–Friedrich Nietszche,

Beyond Good and Evil (1886); HT: Mars Hill



Kanye West: Graduation

With Kanye’s latest album due out Tuesday, NYTimes John Pareles offers an insightful lyrical critique of Graduation. Pareles offers two main critiques of the album: 1) Kanye’s former sense of humor had dissipated in the 2) looming presence of his larger than life ego.

One has to wonder if the two are related. The ability to laugh in one’s art can often display a light-heartedness about oneself, not taking yourself too seriously. Perhaps Kanye has swung the opposite direction, but his lyrics from “Can’t Nobody Tell Me” offer personal reflections on his journey through wealth and fame and recollections of his religious roots.

On one hand he waxes self-absorbed: “let the man get cash, let the man get cash…excuse me was you sayin somethin? You can’t tell me nothin.” Critiquing the polished morality of the Cosby’s, he claims: “if the devil wears prada and adam and eve wear nada then im inbetween but way more fresher, wit way less effort…”

Despite Kanye’s self-absorption, I have to take issue with Pereles’ interpretion of, at least, “Can’t Nobody Tell Me.” To this non-hip-hop fan, the beats are strong and so are the lyrics. They chronicle a personal journey with honesty, perhaps even regret.

As for music, it sounds like we have a lot to look forward too, which will likely win the day despite ego-centric, materialist lyrics. Pareles writes: “Nearly every song on “Graduation” is memorable for both its hooks and its overall sound.”

Though Kanye’s music deserves attention, does he deserve this much applause? Again, Pareles: “Every rapper needs a strong ego, and Mr. West deserves his. But where he used to identify with everyday dreamers and strivers, now he seems happy to stay in his V.I.P. zone: all dressed up and behind that velvet rope.”

Has Kanye graduated? Sure, but the question is how will he use his degree? Actions always speak louder than lyrics.