Culture Matters

Culture Matters: a call for consensus on Christian cultural engagement by T.M Moore has just been released. Read chapters six online.

He looks backward to such shapers of Christian culture as Augustine, Celtic art, Calvin, and Kuyper, and forward with such contemporary exemplars of Christian culture engagement as musician Phil Keaggy, the leading journal First Things, and prison evangelist Charles Colson.

With an eye both to the work of Christian individuals and communities, Moore counsels today’s church on its all-important engagement of culture, from poetry to politics, from music to artwork.

Chuck Colson (founder, Prison Fellowship Ministries) says, “This is far and away the best and most important of T. M. Moore’s many excellent books. As one of the premier Christian thinkers today, Moore presents a magnificent case for Christian cultural engagement. Well worth reading.”

Three Gospel-Centered Quotes

“We are not called to obey God in order gain what we do not have, but in response to what we already possess. The commands of God do not establish the covenant relationship, they reflect it.” ~ Scott Hafemann

“Religion is I obey, therefore I am accepted; Gospel is I am accepted therefore I obey.” – Tim Keller

“Salvation is a project chartered by grace, not performance characterized by good works.” – Dodson

Miranda Dodson

Singer/songwriter Miranda Dodson is a rising Austin artist. Influenced by the likes of Patty Griffin, her sound boasts strong vocals, steady acoustics, and emotive lyrics. Download or stream songs from her forthcoming EP at Virb or MySpace.

Fate of the Family and the Future of the Church

Is the future of our congregations tied to the fate of the family? Professor W. Bradford Wilcox of the University of Virginia is sure that this is so, and his research and analysis is impossible to ignore. In his essay, “As the Family Goes,” published in First Things, Wilcox argues that the future of America’s Christian congregations will “rise and fall with the fortunes of the intact, married family.”

Read more.