Mongolian Church Growth

One of the most challenging locations in Mongolia to work in is the Gobi Desert. SIM’s Acting Director, “Joseph,” and his wife “Ester” work in the middle of the Gobi Desert…

We have been in many challenging ministry settings around the world, but this location must rank among the most difficult. There is no vegetation; no green, no flowers – only sand. The living conditions are very poor and basic, what you can get to eat is very limited, and a sense of depression overwhelms you as people seek to go about their lives in this harsh environment. We got caught in a sandstorm where the visibility was reduced to about six meters – the darkness was quite overwhelming.

Yet in this little town, a community of God’s people is being established and built up. In an environment of hopelessness, the Gospel of faith, hope, and love is making an impact. It was a very special privilege to see this and to meet people whose lives have been transformed by the Good News.

Sixteen years ago there were four Christians in Mongolia. The Mongolia Evangelical Alliance estimates that there are now around 40,000. The church has grown 10,000 times in the past 16 years – this rate of growth is equivalent to 1,000,000% over this period. These are staggering statistics that we need to praise God for.

It is interesting to note that two key factors seem to have contributed to the growth of the Mongolian Church: 1) radical expressions of cross-denominational and cross-agency partnership 2) a robust commitment to whole gospel ministry. 

Full story here. More details and facts here.

Three Strand Evangelism

“Most gospel ministry involves ordinary people doing ordinary things with gospel intentionality.” Growing out of a radical call to love other people and society Jesus style, Timmis and Chester argue for a refreshingly simple model of evangelism that is rooted in community. Three Strand evangelism includes: 1) building relationships 2) sharing the gospel 3) introducing people to community. Regarding the role of the community they comment:

Not everyone can think on their feet. Some people are simply not good at speaking to strangers and forming new friendships. One of the practical benefits of the three-strand model of evangelism is that it gives a role to all of God’s people. By making evangelism a community project, it also takes seriously the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in distributing a variety of gifts among his people.

Applied three-strand evangelism includes forming authentic relationships with others, inviting them into your community through dinners, movies, hearing bands, etc, and allowing them to witness the power and presence of God in people who aren’t afraid of culture and genuinely love others.

Total Church: why community?

Tuesdays are dinner and discussion nights for Austin City Life (let us know if you want to come), as we are intentionally trying to build ACL on gospel, community and mission. The second chapter in Total Church answers the question: “Why Community?” Timmis put community and mission together like this:

God is a missionary God and God’s primary missionary method is his covenant people. Humanity was made in the image o the triune God. The purpose of an image is to represent something and we represent God on earth. God made us as persons-in-community to be he vehicle through which he would reveal his glory…The attractive covenant community continues to be the means by which God fulfills his promise to Abraham. What has changed is the centre. Now it is the community itself among whom Christ promises to be present. The communtiy move out across the globe (centrifugal), all the time drawing people to its Lord through its common life (centripital).