Evangelistic, Edificatory Redemptive-Historical Preaching (wheh!)

Josh Otte has an outstanding post on the challenges and promises of preaching “Evangelistic, Edificatory Redemptive-Historically,” drawing rich insights from Johnson’s new book on preaching We Proclaim Him. Here is an excerpt from the post.

Preaching must be Christ-centered, must interpret biblical texts in their redemptive-historical contexts, must aim for change, must proclaim the doctrinal center of the Reformation (grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, God’s glory alone) with passion and personal application, and must speak in a language that connects with the unchurched in our culture, shattering their stereotypes of Christianity and bringing them face to face with Christ, who meets sinner’s real needs—felt and unfelt. (p. 54)

How Much Do the Transformers Transform?

“…in 1986, the original Prime did something that distinguished him from most other cartoon heroes. He died. He died for freedom, for righteousness”. Brown goes on to assert that American culture – American males – are looking forward to the July 4th release of the “live-action” Transformers movie for “more than galvanic summer thrills or simple nostalgia. They’re looking for redemption, as men.”

See the whole article here.

Two Articles: Discipleship and Story

Worship.com just put out two articles of interest: “Rethinking Discipleship: A Framework for Discipleship in Church Planting” and “Is the Bible Just A Story?” The first article has some helpful suggestions for approaching evangelism and discipleship, in particular is the Allen Taha’s use of Discipleship in the Moment (DIM). He writes:

In this current gathering phase of the church plant, I have rethought discipleship and developed a strategy of gospel-discipleship that emphasizes the Scripture, prayer, and kingdom. This new approach arose in part because of the importance that each interaction I have with someone is a discipling experience. I call this “discipling in the moment” or DIM for short. Discipling in the moment is a way of discipling without a program that sees Christians and non-Christians brought closer to their Savior over the course of the conversation or interaction.

Whether you are a church planter or not, this article is helpful. The other article is a reprint of one of my blog entries, which explores how we read and appropriate the Bible, often in unbiblical ways, just to stroke our moral ego, pacify our psyche, or entertain our children. With the Bible-as-Story being popular terminology, I thought it would be a good idea to show a few ways how it isn’t a story.