The Culturally Savvy Christian

Several weeks ago I read the first chapter of The Culturally Savvy Christian: A Manifesto for Deepening Faith and Enriching Popular Culture in an Age of Christianity-Lite, by Dick Staub and was pleasantly surprised.  Staub is a professor and pop culture officianado; however, his work is not just another proof-texting of popular culture for theological ideas and agendas. Instead, Staub calls us deeper into cultural analysis and critique, praising what is good, rejecting what is bad. Calling ultra-conservatives out of their cultural cocoons, uncritical evangelicals out of complacency, and aggressive fundamentalists away from combative cultural engagement, Staub charts a course for a very thoughtful, very honest, very redemptive approach to engaging culture.

See a series of Utube interviews with Staub here.

Transforming Culture: 2008

Check out this incredible line-up of speakers for the Transforming Culture conference in Austin, Texas, April 1-3. Jeremy Begbie, David Taylor, Eugene Peterson, Andy Crouch and others will address six questions regarding the Church and the Arts, tackling the topics of: the Gospel, the Pastor, the Worship, the Artist, the Dangers and the Future.