Brave New World?: Children without Sex, Sex without Children

Career-centered family building may be on the horizon.  A new study reveals the probability of a process that will enable egg fertilization without the inconvenience of pregnancy. “Ice babies” will be produced in the lab. Dejrassi, creator of the birthcontrol pill, is pioneering vitrification despite the social and ethical concerns.  He writes:

“Is there not something to be said for wisdom, affection and maturity? Why shouldn’t a woman have a child when she is older if the science is there to help her? Nowadays it is not thought peculiar if a man in his 50s or 60s has a child. So should it be different for a woman?”

Is this responsible use of science or unethical child play?

See article here 

Donald Miller: Christians, Be Better Storytellers!

Speaking at a recent conference, Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz and other books said:

“Propositional truths, when extracted from a narrative context, lack meaning. “The chief role of a Christian,” he says, “is to tell a better story.”

Agree or disagree? How has Miller’s writing affected you?

Whole article here.

New Professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell

A great friend and outstanding scholar, Stephen Witmer has been appointed to teach New Testament at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary under a one year contract. Stephen’s keen intellect and sincere heart will be a great addition to the faculty at GCTS. Stephen did his B.A. in Philosophy and History, with a minor in Biblical Studies at Wheaton College, M.Div and Th.M at GCTS, and has just completed his Ph.D in New Testament at Cambridge University, where he recently taught 1Corinthians, the Gospel of John, Acts, and provided oversight to undergraduate students.