Emerging Harvard Philosopher: What Does it Mean to be Human?

Sean Dorrance Kelly, professor of Philosophy at Harvard, has committed his life and work to answering perhaps the biggest question one can ask: “What does it mean to be human?” Kelly has background in mathematics, robotics, science, and of course, philosophy. In exploring this fundamental question through the works of the great French adn German philosophers, Kelly ponders the following question: “But a world without God and without external constraints is a lonely and disenchanted world. That raises a timely modern question, said Kelly: Can we regain a notion of the sacred, even in our secular world?”

Kelly has three books on the way, which he plans to complete in the next year. See Harvard interview here.

HT: Sarah V.

Tacks, The Boy Disaster

Tacks, The Boy Disaster is an emerging Austin band with a incomparable sound. Oh, Beatrice is a unique combinatino of pleasantly haunting piano keys, delicate yet deliberate vocals, and steady beats–thoroughly enjoyable music. Check out their mySpace site and stream four songs for free. “Frozen Feet” is more upbeat and “Paris” slower. These guys have a great sound.

War on Terror Falls Short: Burma!

One of the problems with the global war on terror is that it is not global. Instead, it is focused on strategic areas of U.S. political interest.

For instance, the military dictatorship in Burma has ruled the country in corruption and with an iron fist since 1988. One example is the recent imprisonment renewal of Nobel Peace Prize winner and democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi. She has spent the last 11 of her 18 years under house arrest.

From my trips to Burma, I can attest that the country is in gross disrepair, while the new capital gleams with wealth. Dictator General Than Shwe rules the country with oppression and genocidal acts, systematically trying to wipe out indigenous rebels. Pray for Burma, for Sun Kyi.

Virtual Community: Good, Bad, Neutral?

“Virtual community is not replacing real community. Chat rooms have proliferated, but so have real coffee shops. Members of the Creative Class are not looking for a life delivered through a modem. They want one that is heart-throbbingly real.” ~ Richard Florida, Rise of the Creative Class, 166

Do you agree or disagree? Has your experience with virtual community–email, chatrooms, networks, blogging, etc–resulted in a strengthened pursuit of real community?  Perhaps you wouldn’t even divide cybercommunity from neighborly community?