Category: Books

Eternity Changes Everything [video]

Have you ever wondered why Heaven is helpful now? Eternity Changes Everything shows us how heavenly ideas can come down right into the nooks and crannies of everyday life–parenting, suffering, work, and more. Stephen makes you lean forward to heaven in holy restlessness and enduring patience. Every truth he explains makes a stop in reality, moving the reader from “Aha” to “Mmm.” Here is a writer who pastors, and a pastor who thinks. This is theology that breathes and sings. I can’t wait for more Stephen Witmer!


Reading on the Incarnation

Working through our Coming of God series for Advent, I’ve been reading a number of books on the incarnation. Two books, in particular, have been scintillating, along with an essay by Princeton theologian Robert Jensen.

Man Christ Jesus: Theological Reflections on the Humanity of Christ (Bruce Ware)

This short, accessible book has a lovely cover design and thought provoking reflections on incarnation. I found chapter two, on the role of the Spirit in the life of Christ, especially enjoyable. While some points are debatable, it is a helpful read.

God Who Became Human: a Biblical Theology of Incarnation (Cole Graham)

This is the 30th installment in a fantastic series of books–New Studies in Biblical Theology–edited by D.A. Carson. The scholarship in this series is always top notch and clear. Cole’s prior contribution, God the Peacemaker, was also a delight to read. These books let the Bible sing by tracing its major themes through inter-textual connections within the larger narrative of Scripture. They also frequently provide helpful theological and practical reflection.

Nicene Christianity: The Future for a New Ecumenism (ed. Christoper Seitz)

The is a great collection of essays that reflect on the Nicene Creed. Robert Jensen is in top form reflecting theologically and creatively upon the phrase “for us…he was made man.” Some superb insights and stirring reflection on the nature of Christ’s humanity and the present state of heaven.

Say Something Worth Believing (New Book in 2014) + Coverart



Too many people find the gospel unbelievable because of the incredible ways we communicate it:

  • Name-dropping Jesus at work to feel good about your Christian duty
  • Arguing about political issues as essentially Christian
  • Recruiting people to your church and not to Jesus
  • Regurgitating information about the death of a first century Jewish messiah without taking the time to love and know others.

Our gospel communication is often dry doctrinal communication, devout of love or any real understanding about a person, how the gospel would be good news in their bad news. This, in part, is why people find the gospel so unbelievable,

In this 200+ page book, I’m taking on the whole gospel communication enterprise. Pray for me! I am exposing unbelievable evangelistic methods, unbiblical motivations, and unfaithful gospel messages. Then, charting a winsome, wise, and culturally discerning way forward in gospel communication.

Gospel Advance: Leading a Movement that Changes the World

I’m excited to announce the GCD Books Monday release of Dr. Alvin Reid’s new book, Gospel Advance: Leading a Movement that Changes the World. The book is a great introduction to movements, and how anyone can join the historic movement of the gospel.

This could be the next book that puts you, your disciples, or leaders over the hump of complacency into the thick of true missional living. Short, punchy, and inspiring! Buy it, read it, but most importantly, do it!
