Category: Books

Barrs, Schaeffer, Evangelism, & #1 Bestseller $.99!

9781433503184When researching for my book on evangelism, The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing, I dipped into two of Jerram Barrs books. Professor Barrs studied under Francis Schaeffer, and is Professor of of Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture & Resident Scholar of the Francis A. Schaeffer Institute at Covenant Seminary. His writings carry the flavor of Schaeffer, but with his own personal style. His very helpful book Learning Evangelism from Jesus is only 99 cents right now at Amazon. Snap it up!

I contacted Jerram to ask if he would read my book and consider an endorsement. I was thrilled when he wrote this back in in return:

“This is a wonderful book which I will repeatedly return to myself for my own edification and encouragement and will gladly urge others to read.

Indeed, as I was reading Jonathan’s account of the ‘defeaters’ which make evangelism a real challenge for many Christians and which also are a turn-off to many non-Christians, I kept thinking of people to whom I am eager to give this book. Jonathan faces head on the kinds of evangelism which have left a bitter taste in the mouths of Christians who have felt compelled to try them, and which have left a bitter cynicism about Christians and about the gospel in the hearts of non-Christians on whom they have been tried and found wanting.

I loved the many stories he tells as he unfolds a full-orbed biblical approach to sharing the gospel and I also loved his passion to understand unbelievers and their inmost needs and devotions. This is a book for pastors and ministry leaders and also one for all Christians. Jonathan’s book will not make you feel guilty and ashamed that you are not a great evangelist, or that you are an inadequate one or a poor one; but this book will encourage and motivate you to think about evangelism in new and helpful ways.”

I highly recommend his book, and at 99 cents you can’t afford to not pick it up! It is loaded with wisdom that is often lacking in current evangelistic training and practice.


Words for Pastors

Be cautious lest, “The church we want becomes the enemy of the church we have.”

Eugene Peterson, Practicing Resurrection


It doesn’t take long, after experiencing a major storm in leadership, for you to begin to wonder if you need to abandon ship. Whether its seventy-foot waves or just an extremely slow leak in nice weather, there are times when walking away from the community to which God has called you to minister seems to be safer than staying put.

Clay Werner, On the Brink: Grace for the Burned-Out Pastor


See that the work of saving grace be thoroughly wrought in your own souls. Take heed t yourselves, lest you be void of that saving grace of God which you offer to others, and be strangers to the effectual working of that gospel which you preach; and lest, while you proclaim to the world the necessity of a Saviour, your own hearts should neglect him, and you should miss of an interest in him and his saving benefits.

Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor

Writing & Designing a Book

Marshall McLuhan is often quoted for his aphorism: “The medium is the message.” Ironically, his point is often overlooked in publishing where shoddy book covers, gimmicky titles, and predictable layouts abound. Unfortunately, a lot of publishers place little value on cover design, book layout, and electronic book presentation. Within the digital age, a book has an electronic extension that surfaces ubiquitously, making impressions across the Net, and all kinds of digital platforms. You might say the cover, and overall creative input, is amplified through the inter webs.


While the Christian publishing world often trails behind leading secular publishers, I am grateful to have a publisher who recognizes the value of not only writing but also designing a good book. HarperCollins/Zondervan has bent over backwards to work with me in making sure the medium of my two most recent books also convey my message. How have they done this?

Book Covers

We all know people do judge a book by its cover. Fortunately, I have had a significant, shaping voice in everything materially created from cover to text to layout, poor souls! I asked up front for significant input on book cover and design. Here’s how it made a difference with Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection. We went through the typical process of the publisher generating cover options based on input, but they also agreed to take design options from a local design firm in Austin.



I wanted something clean, creative, and theologically significant. It all came together beautifully. Here’s the thinking behind the design:

  • The wings are a subtle representation of the Spirit
  • The horizontal line represents the earth, and behest the grave
  • The meshed overlap represents Jesus’ victory over sin, death, and evil
  • The overal motion represents Jesus descent, incarnation, suffering, death, and resurrection

Ptarmak is a leading brand, packaging, designer in Austin. Ben Hansen, a friend, mobilizes an incredible team there. Luke was my designer. I sat down with him and got to share the vision, my creative and theological values, and then they set him loose! He’s a great guy. I got to build a bit of relationship going local,  bumping into the Ptarmak guys around town, and dropping in to bring them Amy’s ice-cream, to celebrate publication, and distribute copies to the team.

Book Layout

On The Unbelievable Gospel, I went to Electrik. They don’t typically do this sort of thing, but hey, they believed in the project. Brendan Pittman read the book, caught the vision, and created the icons you see up top. They represent the three sections of the book. You can read more about that at I’m thrilled to say that he’s working on a digital experience to pair with the book and it launches September 1.

Zondervan took Brendan’s work and willingly incorporated it into the book layout. We went a couple rounds before settling on the final form. I’m happy they let me push the envelope. You’ll see some atypical things going on inside the book when it arrives. As a benefit, I’ve developed a relationship with Brendan and see him as a real partner in this effort.

You’ll be the judge of this creative effort, but it’s my sincere desire to collaborate with others to publish great content and great delivery. Perhaps this will catch on. I know there are lots of folks doing similar things. I drew inspiration from Moody Publishers & Mark Sayers book Facing Leviathan. Let’s overturn the banal design beast, and generate more content with thoughtful, creative medium to boot!


How (Not) to Be Secular [video]

This is a fascinating account of our present secular experience that resonates, clarifies, and inspires.