Category: Gospel and Culture

The Gospel in 3 Dimensions

On Sunday we launched a new series called The Gospel and the Gospel as a follow up to our previous series on The Gospel and Character. The gospel is both simple and complex. We affirm that it is simple enough for a child to grasp but complex enough to ponder for all eternity. This new series focuses on some of the complex, doctrinal content of the gospel in order to come to a greater appreciation of its simplicity. In this article, Tim Keller lays out three perspectives on the gospel (Doctrinal, Personal, Social). We have taken his observations and worked them out quite a bit in order to set up a holistic, gospel framework. We use the word “dimensions” instead of “perspectives” to emphasize that each dimension is non-negotiable. If we receive and reflect only one-dimension, we distort both the gospel and our lives. Very often, Christians pick one or two dimensions and end up dishonoring Christ and his gospel. Our hope is that in understanding the fullness of a three-dimensional gospel, we will more profoundly live it out. If you want to grow in your comprehension and reflection of the gospel, I highly recommend that you take advantage of these resources:

Sci-Fi Recommendations

I love Sci-Fi, especially philosophical Sci-Fi like the Blade Runner, Matrix, Equilibrium, THX 1138. Here are two newer films I’d recommend:

Primer – Sundance winner I saw a few years ago that is the opposite of Chrysalis. This film is disjointed, confusing, with no special effects or action but an amazing storyline. This one will get you thinking for some time.

Chrysalis – this French, Sci-Fi film noir has remarkable sound, lighting, cinematography and a decent plot. The fight sequences are reminiscent of the Bourne Identity films, and the themes probe beyond the depth of our need for relationships into idolatry of relationships.

Feel free to share some of your Sci-Fi recommendations!

If You Invite Me to Church, I'll Probably Come

Luke Simmons notes: A few years ago I read a shocking paragraph in Thom Rainer’s book, The Unchurched Next Door:

82 percent of the unchurched are at least ‘somewhat likely’ to attend church if they are invited. Perhaps we need to pause on this response. Perhaps we need to restate it: More than eight out of ten of the unchurched said they would come to church if they were invited.

Well, a few years later, the research has shown Rainer’s estimations are slipping. Nonetheless, recent statistics are encouraging. A recent survey discovered that 63% of people are somewhat or very willing to receive information about a church from a family member and 56% are somewhat or very willing to receive information from a friend or neighbor.lwr_receptive

Some Implications for Austin City Life

So, invite people to our church gatherings. Better yet, be the church to them. Redefine the church for them by being like Jesus to them. Serve them. Love them. Hang with them…and invite them into your City Group, to City Group missional events, and to Austin City Life Sunday gatherings…for their eternal good and God’s everlasting glory!

Fight Club – Table of Contents

Table of Contents


  1. Why Fight?: Violence and Culture

  1. Fighting the Church: The Failure of Accountability

  1. Fighting with the Church: The Three Conversions of the Church

  1. Fight Club: Gospel-centered Discipleship

Appendix 1: Gospel-centered Resources

Appendix 2: …