This is a crying shame. A friend turned me onto Las Manitas early this year. Las Manitas was one of those restraunts that served culture with its food. You could walk through the kitchen to get to the backroom. Don’t picture a shady scene. Picture an area that could be mistaken for a beer garden but with more trailer trash chairs and tables than beer. The whole thing enclosed by a rickety fence, sitting under a well-preserved Austin tree. Talk about good, cheap ambiance and mexican food. (Wipe tear) You will me missed Las Manitas.
Category: Gospel and Culture
How to Engage Culture
Those from Austin City Life who are looking for my article related to Sunday’s message, go here for “v.Culture (how to engage culture)“
Will Podcasting Change the Way we Think?
Nearly one in five internet users (19%) has downloaded a podcast to listen to or view later — up from 12% in 2006. But podcasting has yet to become a fixture in the everyday lives of internet users, as very few download podcasts on a typical day. Yet, podcasting is on the rise among all ages under 50. See Pew Foundation research here.
How will podcast proliferation change the way we think? Podcasters pull down audio from reliable and unreliable sources. Will this medium, coupled with the internet, actually decrease reliable, accurate knowledge? Or will it increase specialty understanding? Do you podcast? What kinds of programs?